sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Mission trip to Huaral with E3 Partners

I’m sitting now in the lobby of the Hotel because tomorrow iI have to go to Huancavelica to a village called Cordoba

This trip to Huaral was a blast, a blessing because God show his power and many souls came to Jesus.

For me this was my first trip with a huge group, 65 people among missionaries and interpreters. 

My first day was crazy because i knew a person in the bus and we talk and practice a little bit and i think that maybe i can share with her the week being her interpreter, but God has other plans for me. 
When the assignments came, they divided the people in seven teams and one interpreter go with one missionary. They put me with a missionary called Kevin from Alabama a huge man, bald like me and with a heart like a kid, he loves ride motorbikes and also he got a lot of injuries for that reason. 
The team was completed with Mrs. Debbie and old lady with a big heart for missions and Daniel a smart child and also my friends Sandra and Martin who is one of the most wonderful interpreters that i know, that was our team, for me they were great. 

We go to work in a place call “El Palmo” who was in the past a red flag placed packed with drug addicts and dealers, nobody were able to go to that place in the past, but now thanks God 90% of the place is clean, there are some drug addicts but not like in the past. 

We work with a church called “Camino de Salvacion” with Pastor Jose Salinas a true men of God committed with the gospel till the bones, he work with five beautiful princess called Justina old, Justina, Angelica,Clorinda and Karen who have also a passion in their hearts for missions.

We meet some ex drug addicts our first day, the second day w ego to church and find the sisters praying to the Lord was very intense because they were bow down and i we were touched for them.

Our days were the usually first go to the church,then go to preach, then get back and lunch and go to preach again and in the evenings we play with kids, the last two days we go to visit the people who give his live to Jesus  and give them some homework and in the last day we have a medical clinic and we have the possibility to talk with a lot of people and much of them became to Jesus. 
One of the best moments in this trip was go to a place went drugs addicts were gathered, we pray for them and i remember one of them called Jorge Ruiz who pray with us and when we were walk around we see him again and he was upset because we has a child and he want to see him, but when we called to phone his wife didn’t answer him and he start to cry and we pray for him again,was pretty sad. 

Also one of my personal treasures in this trip was praying for Pastor Jose because he is a real men of God and I’m not feel worthy to pray for him, but God give me this wonderful opportunity and was a real blessing for me have the possibility to encourage this men of God. 

Like i said this trip was amazing many tears was she ,all the people in all teams living wonderful experiences and each night when we gathering for lunch to talk about the day, many people crying sharing the things that God was doing. I felll so blessed with this trip , I saw the hand of God for sure and is a privilege be a tool in his hands.

Huaral was touched with the gospel, the government knows about us and they feel ashamed because we work his community bringing spiritual and medical help and i for sure that they remain this day a before and after was write in the hearts of the people. 

The seed was put in the hearts of the people and God take care of it. 

Thanks guys for let me share this with you, I love you with all my heart; please help me to pray for Pastor Jose Salinas, his church and for all the people in Huaral. 

God is the wonderful and I’m proud to work for him and i know that you too.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galathians 6:9 

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