lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Trip to Chincha

Another trip to Chincha with E3 Partners is always a new adventure travel with these guys because they are big teams, this time we were like sixty people among interpreters and missionaries and there is always a medical campaign for help people who need spiritual and psychical help.

Well we get to our hotel and this time we stayed in two different hotels, the teams were divided in seven teams and every one go to a different town. I have to work with a little girl of fourteen years old called Riley and with a couple and also with my friend Carlos and another guy from Chincha called Deisey who I dint know.

We work with a Pastor called Edgar who has a church called El Gran Trono Blanco (The Big White Trone). This church have also four sister churches and we go to work in one of that churches in a poor place called Señor de Los Milagros.

The days were almost the same every day, we preach in the mornings and in the evening some of the guys teach to the new believers and the other guys played with kids, I played with the kids and was very funny.

One of the most amazing things about this trip was see how most of the people who we preach the gospel receive Jesus in his heart, the show an open heart to the word of God. But even more wonderful was the fact that many people come at the evening to attend the classes for new believers.

What more can I say? The Medical Campaign was a successful, the brothers and sisters from the church have a big heart for God and the preaching the gospel without taking a breath. Also there was a little girl called Milagros who stole my heart, she gave the story of the evangelism cube and also she kept one for preach his little friends about Jesus. 

I know that the fruits will come in God time, and also I hope go back soon to visit my buddies in Christ.
Please pray for Pastor Edgar, Sister Consuelo and the others brothers in the church. 

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