lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Ice Age 4

Ice Age 4 was a movie that i really want to see long time ago and finally I get the opportunity to go to the cinema and watch the movie and let me tell you that the wait was worthy.

In this new movie Manny and his friends have a new adventure when they go against the continental drifts and see the danger face to face when they trying to get back home.

This movie teach us about the true friendship sense because they take care of each other and  they never leave they friends behind, even thought the problems that they have sometimes they always try to get together and kept the family together.

And also now Doug finally found a beautiful girlfriend in Shira. The time has come Doug

Trip to Yauyos

Another mission and another town this time was in Yauyos, but really was in Catahuasi a nice town with a good weather. Catahiuasi was our fortress because during the week we visit many towns around Catahuasi.

We were in a reunion from a church in a town that I didn’t remember the name, the reunion was really nice, we sang some old chorus and there were many people there. This was one of the highest points of the trip.
The second day we were around Catahuasi giving glasses to the people, playing with kids and sharing the gospel. The third day we were in a town called Huallampi we teach about water filters and share the gospel with the kids, and also we saw a Turkeys fight.

The fourth day we were in the morning in Catahuasi and we have a little problem with some Nouns that I thinks were the dogs of the Pope. In the evening we hit the road and go to Catra a town two hours away from Catahuasi, we stayed in the mayor building and the fifth day we play with kids in the mayor square, share some glasses and preach the gospel and during the night we have a service in the mayor building with Pastor Roberto and some believers from the town, after of that we hit the road to Catahuasi again.

The last two days we were in Catahuasi hanging around searching for opportunities to preach the gospel and the last day we have a reunion in a town called Pueblo Antiguo, we play with the kids and share the gospel with the people and have a funny time.

Was a nice trip and the word of God was shared and that is the most important thing in the end.

Trip to San Juan de Lurigancho

Hit the road again and put our bones in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho the bigger district in Lima that want to became a province and also need the Word of God. They cry for the gospel of Jesus.

We went in this trip with some old buddies , we have a big expectation ,because we know that God will show his big power in this trip and also that the Holy Spirit was working in that place days before the trip because the people that was praying for the trip.

We work all the days in a Medical Campaign in a new church leading by Pastor Cesar and his wife, two brave brothers in Christ.

The first day I was working with a young lady called Jessica, but she spoke Spanish very well, so I decided move to another part and in the end work in water filters with Becky and Pastor Bob, the second day was the same but this time with a very nice lady called Connie and I became an expert in water filters stuff.  But that evening I became also helping in counseling and in the end I work there during all the week.

The rest of the week was basically the same working in counseling with some other guys and many people became to the feet of Jesus and some of them also come back to listen the teachings to the new believers . I feel so happy in Counseling.
Some of the guys went to the school and others were to play with kids, but everyone put his part in preaching the gospel of God. A very intense week, but preaching the gospel is so wonderful.

There were some things to correct in the future, but the trip was really good and the word was seed, I want to mention the great heart of people like Doug who preach to everyone and also Larry who sing so good.
I’m expecting for the things that God has in stock for the next year. 

Trip to Huayacundo Arma

Huayacundo Arma is a place that have a special place in my heart, everytime that I return to this town my heart start to beat so fast because I has so many nice memories in that town and so many friends too.

The opportunity comes after a pray and some news about the place because some friends have been there for two weeks before my arrive, my dear friend Carmen was working there with Leslie and also she went to Quito Arma to stayed one week there with Clay McKinney and Garet West two wonderful guys with a big heart for God, I not have the opportunity to work with them because they stayed in Quito Arma with Vladimir another interpreter and me and Carmen stayed in Huayacundo with a team from Texas, a new team really.

Well I and Carmen worked with eight people four old man and four teenagers, this was funny because all the people in the team was nice but was really funny because we divided the team in two groups Carmen work with three old man Louis, Pam and Beth and I worked with the teenagers one, Pastor Jeff has its own schedule.

The days that we passed there were wonderful, trying to play soccer and trying to put a good face in some stuff that require of our patience, but the most wonderful thing was share the Bible with the kids in the school with the kids. Also we have meetings in the evening sharing about the Bible and answering questions.

The people from the town were very smart, they ask very hard questions for example at school they ask about the position of God in relation to the abortion in a mother with risk of die and also they ask about the name of God, Another funny thing was that the kids know many about the Bible and we have to be very smart for share something new for them.

Even though some problems among people of the town, the trip was a blessing and we had the opportunity to preach the gospel and see how the people have hungry for God and also our friends like Bryan my good friend who is growing and is reading his Bible too.

I know that we see the hand of God in Huayacundo in the time of God; we know that the people bow his knees before God and they proclaim that the salvation belong to our God.
We know for sure that God is working and we have to keep this town in own prays we will see great things in the future, we know for sure.

1 Corinthians 15:58 

Trip to Chincha

Another trip to Chincha with E3 Partners is always a new adventure travel with these guys because they are big teams, this time we were like sixty people among interpreters and missionaries and there is always a medical campaign for help people who need spiritual and psychical help.

Well we get to our hotel and this time we stayed in two different hotels, the teams were divided in seven teams and every one go to a different town. I have to work with a little girl of fourteen years old called Riley and with a couple and also with my friend Carlos and another guy from Chincha called Deisey who I dint know.

We work with a Pastor called Edgar who has a church called El Gran Trono Blanco (The Big White Trone). This church have also four sister churches and we go to work in one of that churches in a poor place called SeƱor de Los Milagros.

The days were almost the same every day, we preach in the mornings and in the evening some of the guys teach to the new believers and the other guys played with kids, I played with the kids and was very funny.

One of the most amazing things about this trip was see how most of the people who we preach the gospel receive Jesus in his heart, the show an open heart to the word of God. But even more wonderful was the fact that many people come at the evening to attend the classes for new believers.

What more can I say? The Medical Campaign was a successful, the brothers and sisters from the church have a big heart for God and the preaching the gospel without taking a breath. Also there was a little girl called Milagros who stole my heart, she gave the story of the evangelism cube and also she kept one for preach his little friends about Jesus. 

I know that the fruits will come in God time, and also I hope go back soon to visit my buddies in Christ.
Please pray for Pastor Edgar, Sister Consuelo and the others brothers in the church. 

Trip to Tapacocha (Ancash)

I hit the road again and reach the town of Tapacocha in Ancash preaching the most powerful message in the entire world in a very heart stone town, but for God nothing is impossible and this town must to hear the gospel.

This was a very hard trip because for me was very  hard understand to the missionaries because they come from Ohio and they speak differently , but with God help that problem was fixed , another problem was the town because they drink a lot and that was a very sad.

Basically during the week we always play with the kids and if we have the opportunity we talk with some people, God is good and during the week that we stayed in Tapacocha there was a sport festival and people from other towns come to Tapacocha and that was a great opportunity to open relations with people from other towns for future trips.

The believers were few and they have reunions just sometimes for have some Bible studies, but we have the opportunity to go to a town called Cotaparaco where the brothers and sisters have reunions four times per week and we have the opportunity to be in a reunion and was a beautiful time that keep in our minds and in our hearts and for sure was the best experienced in all the week.

Is so sad see the heart of stone of the people, their hearts are rooted in traditions whiteout sense, but also is always wonderful how the kids have an open heart for the Lord, I never forget the conversation that I had with a kid called Jack. We were talking about Noah and he told me that his friends mocked of him in the school because he preaches the gospel, but he doesn’t care and keep preaching the gospel with their little friends.

I have faith and I know that this town will open his eyes in time, and the believers will reach the town in the time of God.

Please pray for Jose and Claudia in Tapacocha and for Moses and the believers in Cotaparaco.

Trip to Cordova (Huancavelica)

Back in Cordova for the second time, was a surprise for me get back to Cordova because I suppose that i was going to another town, but God gave me the opportunity to get back to this beautiful place where God is making amazing things.

My friend Erick and other four people were working there for some weeks before and also a team from Texas was working with for a week and they leave one day before we arrive. So we were twelve people working there.

We divided in teams and every day was almost the same, but also every day was a new and special adventure for us. Some of the guys with me go to other towns to preach the gospel, play with kids and also working helping people in their diary work. Some of the guys also go to the school and others stay in town walking around and preaching the gospel with the people in the town.
In the evenings all the teams goes to a Hotel to have a Bible study and one of my best friends was in charge of the Bible study and he did an amazing work.  

The high points were for sure the baptism of Ruth and Sidney two beautiful girls teenagers who decide left behind the world and said to Jesus that he will be the only one in their lives. The other high point was when another teenager called Carlos gives a powerful testimony.

This was an awesome weekend because we had the privilege to see the first fruits in this place, God is doing amazing things there and we know that there is a lot of work to do, but God is working there for sure and many great things will come in the near future.

Please keep in your prayers to Ruth, Sidney, Carlos and Jose de la Cruz, pray for them to be a light in the community and thought them many come to know Jesus. Pray also for Erick who will stay in Cordova for two years and also for Big Josh who will stay there until August, pray for strength to keep doing the good work.